Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Pit Stops

I left RBG this mornin (technically off today) to travel "Up Nort' Der' to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where I'll be doing some presentations Saturday morning in Escanaba for the Delta County Master Gardeners.  I believe I presented at this conference last year and will talk about the Sensory Garden and Sensational Shrubbery tomorrow.  I met briefly with Terry, Janice, Cindy, Big John and Pat this morning before departing.  Jenny was due in later to help and I'm sure that Kay, Eva, Kathy and Dr. Gredler were all in as volunteers as were many others.  With our big Wild Earth Day celebration tomorrow it was important to get the garden tidied up and everyone had multiple tasks.

I made two targeted and pre-planned stops along my route to Michigan.  I stopped at Olbrich Botanical Gardens (OBG) in Madison, WI this morning and around the lunch hour at the Green Bay Botanical Garden (GBBG).  I ran in to staff that I know at both gardens and enjoyed the sunny and cool weather with camera in hand.  The crocuses (Crocus sp.) above were just some of the many thousands of bulbs blooming at OBG.  See some of the many highlights below (grouped by garden).  There were still remnants of snow along the lake and bays up north as well as melting piles from snow plowed up as early as last week up in Escanaba (39 degrees and rainy this afternoon).

spring containers at OBG
one of the gravel gardens showing color at OBG
the meadow garden was showing early color at OBG
I observed many healthy patches of Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) at OBG
OBG had many spectacular hellebores (Helleborus sp.) in full bloom
the Renaissance Reflection paper birches (Betula papyrifera 'Renci') are filling in nicely at OBG
plenty of Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) doing their thing
another meadow garden showing early tulips (Tulipa) and daffodils (Narcissus) at OBG
here are some of the ingredients Samantha P. from OBG was using for a spring container (see below too for the partial container)

an impressive Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) carpet at OBG
An iconic structure at the GBBG that looks good from far and near (directly below)

this new conifer garden will fill in nicely over the years
this reflective metal sculpture is showing just part of a long quote
two more beautiful structures (above and below) at GBBG

a portion of the ruins garden can be seen above at GBBG
'Pink Frost' hellebore (Helleborus) at GBBG
above are impressive reticulated iris (Iris reticulata) patches at GBBG
beautiful crocuses (Crocus sp.) at GBBG
another neat structure at GBBG
cool arbor shadow on mossy patio at GBBG
wicked cool "Hobbit House" bathroom/storage building at GBBG

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