Saturday, March 22, 2014

Successful Symposium

Our Gardening for Good Spring Symposium went well today.  We had a crew of about 100 attendees (see above) and it was a sunny day despite being a bit chilly.  The speakers (Eliza, Barb and Cindy) all did a great job and it certainly was inspiring to hear about the value of horticulture for all of us.  Some attendees wandered the gardens which were a soupy mess but still enjoyable.  The lunch, silent auction (thanks Song Sparrow Nursery!), raffle, etc. all went well.  We displayed some of our elevated planters too including the one seen below.  The plants seen in that planter were on loan from K&W Greenery (Janesville) and everyone seemed to enjoy the day.  Kris K. did a nice job keeping everything running smoothly and we appreciate the help today from Polly, Mark S., Janice, Cindy, Marsha M. and Cheryl.  At the tail end of the lunch hour, I did a short presentation about our history and included some promotion of our 25th Anniversary and collections this year.  The second photo down shows students from Shepherds College (Union Grove, WI).  Shepherds College is the country's leading three year, post-secondary educational program for students with intellectual disabilities.  The students and their instructor Leslie brought plants yesterday to share/sell at the event.  Students from this program, which includes a horticulture tract, also come help at the gardens every fall.  All in all, a great day.

Yesterday morning I traveled to Stonefield Plant Farm (Evansville, WI) to drop off seeds for starting over the coming weeks.  Patty (below) was popping out baby pansies that were being planted in four packs by an industrious crew of her helpers.  I always enjoy talking with Patty and Herb and their children, Kurt and Erika are also "in the business" at their own home nurseries.  The other photos are meant as a "visual fix" and show their greenhouses filling up quickly with color!  Yay!

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