Friday, October 4, 2013

The Rain Arrives

“Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad?” 
- Dodie Smith

Today was rainy early until about 10 am and then we had a nice break (no sun though) until about 12:30 pm when more significant precipitation rolled in to the area.  Needless to say, most of our day was spent inside.  Above are Terry (upper left), Cindy and Pat all working on Holiday Lights Show (HLS) preparations. Pat focused primarily on processing our donated 1/2 gallon milk jug luminaries and he finished all 400 over the past couple of days. That's the good news.  The bad news is that we still need 1600+ more!  Feel free to bring in your clean jugs and we'll use them!  Pat has a nice system put in place.  Cindy was processing new lights that will be used in these milk jug luminaries and Terry worked on repairing lights that need some attention.  We probably have over 300 strands of lights that need to be repaired over the cold mornings and rainy days in the coming weeks. Terri N. (directly below) came in to help and fixed quite a few strands herself.  Maury ran errands for us which included acquiring more HLS supplies.  We'll start putting up at least some lights next week but still have plenty of gardening to accomplish.  Pat was in for a half day but both Terry and Cindy were able to get outside for some Friday gardening tasks.  I was attached to my desk for most of the day but completed quite a bit of work.  I also looked at some of our water features with Shawn W. and Joel R. to come up with some ideas to improve their maintenance and appearance.  We also saw Dave F., Linda K., Ron W., Ron Y., Magda and a few others.  Below are some "odds and ends" images with appropriate subtext.

Terri N.
C7 bulbs that will light up our luminaries
These rubber "nipples" directly above are used to cover open sockets on the C7 strands (like the one two photos above) as we only use every third socket and remove bulbs in between  This works well for spacing of the jugs seen below.  If you haven't seen the HLS, do come and enjoy the display in December or at the Taste of Chocolate event on November 23rd which features the premiere lighting of the HLS.
20 of 2,000 jugs that will illuminate the HLS route
'Explosive Ember' ornamental hot pepper (Capsicum annuum) - annual
'Red Head' perennial fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
hot peppers (Capsicum sp.) that we're picking and sharing before the frosts this month
Above is just a shot to remind everyone that we're currently selling bulbs throughout the month at the Cottage Garden Gallery in the Parker Education Center and all bulbs are currently 25% off (no other discounts apply).

This Sunday is the all-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast at RBG which is part of the Janesville Irish Fest - 2013 celebration.  Held at the Parker Education Center from 8 am until 12 noon, this event will also feature performances at 9 am and 10:30 am by students of the Kinsella Academy of Irish Dancers.  Irish harp music will be provided by Amy Cavanaugh.  There will also be children's activities and special appearances by members of the Janesville Jets hockey team.  Tickets to this event also include admission to the gardens and proceeds will benefit RBG and Independent Disability Services.  See our website for more details.

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