Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Epping's Not Camera Shy

We had a great staff retreat to Olbrich Botanical Gardens (OBG) in Madison, WI today.  While Sue, Kris, Larry and Jenny couldn't make it, twelve of us traveled north to this wonderful botanical garden (see my blog from this past Sunday).  We had a nice tour of the gardens to start the day from Jeff Epping, Director of Horticulture at OBG.  Our crew included Pat, Terry, Janice, Cheryl, Cindy, Denise, Mary, Mark S., John, Rita, Polly and me.  Jeff E. can be seen in the above photo, second from the right.  Jeff and his legal team insisted that I include Jeff in the majority of my shots as he is the living embodiment of all that is good in horticulture.  Oddly enough, he ended up in most of my shots anyway and always seemed to be just "right there." (look for the mustard colored shirt!).  Below are some other shots of Jeff (and our retreat).  We also thank Roberta, Mark S., Sam P., Patti, Marty and all the other OBG staff that met with us after the tour to "talk shop" before lunch.  It was a productive exchange and we enjoyed visiting with our counterparts.  We found it very informational and the OBG staff were wonderful hosts.  We then had a great lunch in downtown Madison and did some more team building activities.  Kudos to Larry, Bill O., Ron K., Kay, Eva and all the other volunteers that helped hold down the fort at RBG today.

Jeff showing us the nuances of Irish dancing above
Jeff in the sunken garden
Jeff with rolled up sleeves
Jeff in the herb garden
Jeff flexing his pipes
Jeff in the new Rose Garden
Jeff looking pensive and thoughtful
Jeff asking for tips for the tour....
Jeff in the greenhouses insisting on tips before we're allowed to leave
the only shot without Jeff...water lily (Nymphaea 'Dauben')

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