Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vancouver (Day 4)

Today was another beautiful day in sunny Vancouver and I had a full day of trips with eight destinations.  I've included them here in the order I viewed them and included some captions as well.  With such a long day, I've already dozed off a dozen times as I've been loading up photos and typing this blog.  It was a great day with lectures tomorrow and another full day tour on Friday.  Above are two shots of the green wall on the Semiahmoo Library and below, the rest of the day is highlighted with images.

Allium schubertii dry and spray painted (cool)

Tom Hobbs (famous horticulturist) property (above and below)

giant Gunnera at Tanglebank Nursery

Minter Gardens was the highlight of the day with lots to see and photograph.  We had a great dinner there as well and had plenty of time to tour.  The shot above and all those below are from Minter which is unfortunately closing this fall due to financial issues.  Bummer.  Glad I was able to enjoy it though and Brian Minter was the perfect host.  More on this garden later.

Chinese pagoda at Minter Gardens
one of many lush borders at Minter Gardens
peacock planting at Minter Gardens
"water wall" feature at Minter Gardens
big Canadian maple leaf in boxwoods
formal gardens at Minter Gardens
formal garden border at Minter Gardens
formal garden border at Minter Gardens
maple leaf in wax begonias
cool waterfall
old pump house at Minter Gardens

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