Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Top Notch Group

We had a great volunteer work day this morning and the weather was just perfect for a productive morning.  The gang planted annuals in the gazebo garden, installed the flossflower (Ageratum) collection. weeded four huge areas and finished with planting over 200 perennials in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden which will be our "Pollinator's Paradise" theme through 2014.  Special thanks to Janice, Big John and Larry who helped orchestrate the work day and all the shifts, transitions, tool needs, debris clean-up, watering, etc.  We're a well oiled machine.  Thanks to our wonderful volunteers as well that can be seen in these photos.  Great work Mary D., Barb C., Linda S., Bruce S., Keith, Jodi, Brent, Michael, Mike P., Kay, Sue, Donna, Renee, Karen, Hal R., Doris R., Amy and her daughter, Carol S. and her husband (forgetting his name...), Ron W., Bev W., Gena, Dennis, Maggie and Mary W.  Bill O. was out tidying up before the wedding and Patrick C. and his wife Pat ran the compost sale (went well!).  We also saw Dr. Yahr, Maury, Jumbo Jim and the RECAPPERS.  It was a very productive day and apologies to any I missed.  The next four Saturdays are also volunteer work days (8 am - 12 noon) where will be doing even more extensive planting.

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