Sunday, February 10, 2013

The WPT Garden Expo Ends

I'm back home after day three of the Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) Garden Expo.  It was a long weekend but well worth being there and participating.  There was some concern about the possibility of freezing rain this morning but it was warm enough to just be rain.   It ended up feeling like a rainy March day and my travels to Madison and back were safe and uneventful.  Attendance today was steady but lighter than I remember in the past.  I think the worry over slick roads affected attendance today.  However, yesterday was packed (see top photo) and we had lots of attendees stopping by the booth and attending my presentations.  My talk on Annual Grasses yesterday had a moderate crowd but the Vertical Gardening seminar was quite full.  I had one more presentation today (Trendy Annuals) and had another moderate crowd.  It was nice to touch base with so many people and we appreciate all our volunteer help with facilitating our booth at this event.  Kris, Margaret and I were the RBG staff at the booth today but we had help from Dennis, Gena, Pat, Pete, Mary N., Jumbo Jim and Jody M.  Special thanks to Jim and Jody for helping tear down the booth and pack up our trailer in the rain.  They make quick work of this process and have helped for 8+ years.  The images below are just a little of what I saw this morning out in the vendor area.  It was nice to have some other Janesville representation at the Garden Expo with a booth from K&W Greenery.  I talked to so many people today but was always pleased to hear the compliments or comments on the lights show, attending a wedding, etc.  The overall "presence" of the garden will continue to get stronger as more people visit and "spread the word."  Sorry for the short blog but I'm dead on my feet!

raised bed for "no-stoop" gardening
vertical "mirror frame" garden with succulents and moss
staged rock garden above
miniature, fairy rooftop garden
mulch display
Wisconsin Landscape Federation display

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