Friday, December 21, 2012

Calm After The Storm

Yesterday afternoon got nasty in this area with wet, blowing snow, high winds and ultimately, 5-6" of accumulation over the slush from the morning round of sleet.  We actually got lucky as heavier snows and tougher weather occured further north of us.  The roads were slick as I headed home and I spent a couple hours shoveling my driveway and sidewalk at home.  We decided to wait and clear all the snow today and with the help of Bill, Larry and Mark S., we did the best we could prior to the Holiday Lights Show (HLS) this evening.  The gardens were beautiful with the new snow as seen in the sunken garden above and in shots further below.  The lights should look pretty neat with all this white stuff.  The shoveling was challenging because of the underlayer of ice/slush depending on where we worked.  Our snow blowers had some issues with the heavier snow but we ultimately finished after six hours of clearing.  Larry can be seen below.  We also saw Dr. Gredler (painting), Dick H. (plowing), Pete and some others.  We weren't in the Horticulture Center much until later in the day.  I was worried about power problems (for the HLS) because of that "slush layer" but my early testing was successful with everything coming on (fingers crossed for tonight).  The second photo down shows the frozen tread marks of one of the City of Janesville plows or probably a Caterpillar that helps with the plowing.  The sun certainly helped melt some paved areas and the day was quite nice out in the gardens with plenty of fresh air.  Not sure how much I'll blog before New Year's as I'm off next week (except for working the HLS).  I'll try to sneak some in from home....

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