Tuesday, November 27, 2012

England Bound

Our trip this past spring to the Netherlands was so well received, we decide to help organize another international trip.  The Chelsea Flower Show & English Gardens Tour is a joint venture between RBG and Travel Scope travel agency (Janesville).  Organized between May 20th and 30th, 2013, this trip will hit some of the best horticultural highlights in the world, not the least of which is the 100th Anniversary of the Chelsea Flower Show (see next two pictures below).  This trip will include gardens, castles, shopping and a free day to explore London.  See www.rotarybotanicalgardens.org and look under the EVENTS tab for more information on this awesome trip.  I'll be going along and will have my camera in hand.  The itinerary on our website will give you more information on specific destinations, cost and other details.  Check it out!  All the images here are from destinations that we'll see once we "hop the pond."   The third photo down is Chartwell (home & gardens of Sir Winston Churchill) while the fourth photo down is Wisley which is the flagship garden for the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).  The fifth and sixth photos down are from Great Dixter, the estate of the late Christopher Lloyd.  The final two photos are from the Sissinghurst Castle gardens (created by Vita Sackville-West).  As a disclaimer, all the photos in this blog posting were pillaged from the internet and are intended for simple enticement purposes.  The destinations I've just mentioned are only half of what we'll see.  Check out our website for more information.   

Today was quiet at the gardens.  Larry, Big John, Urban and Bill O. were out in the gardens working on various tasks while Del and Dr. Gredler were in the shop painting.  Janice came in to work on some projects as did Maury.  We also saw Tom C., Kris K., Kay and many others.

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