Monday, September 26, 2011

Indoor Projects Abound

Dr. Gredler above asked me to include his thoughts at the time of this photo this morning. As he was counting 1,000 tulips in to bags of 20, he was thinking, "I'd rather be mowing." Of course, he was mowing about an hour later as it stopped raining and we had an opening in the clouds for a bit. There was a steady drizzle this morning that periodically became a down pour. It was a nice day to work inside and we had Jenny, a Grumpette, helping Dr. Gredler organize our tulips for planting in front of the building in a couple weeks. With the rain, most of the Grumpies didn't come in but we'll see if we can use them tomorrow morning and certainly later in the week. Dave, Bob A. and Jim worked on some indoor carpentry projects while Dick H. and Larry worked on one of our tractors. Urban was in to help Big John (to the left) peel labels though John was outside organizing items in the garage, yard and eventually was out doing some gardening. Terry and Marv helped organize the horticulture center for our upcoming lights show preparations and they moved on to gardening which included moving a large tree in to place for planting (tomorrow?). Marianne (to the right) helped tidy up the hort center too and started the long process of testing/repairing lights. She is a pro at this and talk about patience! We may start decorating as early as next week to get an early start on set-up while the weather is still tolerable. We also saw Gary S., Rollie, Bob C., Bill O. and others over at the Horticulture Center this morning. I had a meeting and finalized some projects. I'm off early to hit the road over to Sheboygan and will take time to check out the Bookworm Gardens on the UW-Sheboygan campus. This is a neat children's garden that I photographed this spring but would like to see what it looks like in fall. Below are more pictures from Chicago Botanic Garden and the photo directly below shows one of their neat vertical walls planted with dwarf snapdragons (Antirrhinum) and a perennial heath aster (Aster ericoides 'Snow Flurry'). I've seen veggies and herbs in these before but thought this one quite striking and obviously planted recently for fall effect. At the bottom are the famous drooping mums that CBG trains to accentuate these entrance planters. Really cool.

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