Saturday, August 20, 2011

Olfaction Satisfaction

The Smelly Garden event last night went very well and I think set a nice precedent for future events like this in the garden. Above is a shot before dusk (around 7:45 pm) as our volunteers arrived. Kris K. (in red above) did a great job organizing this and thanks to Joy and Dawn for helping out with admission and gift shop duties. Kelli was also there earlier in the evening. Our volunteer docents included Hal, Doris and Art although we also saw many of our own volunteers and staff coming as attendees (Ron W., Bev W., Marv, Marianne, Janice, Dr. Yahr, etc.). We probably had a good 30 or so attendees and while the mosquitoes were voracious, the wonderful scents were enjoyed by everyone. Kris provided flashlights to supplement some of the lighting we already had out there and I heard nothing but raves about this garden space. I would have liked to have seen more attendees but we'll continue to refine and promote this garden more thru the rest of year and certainly next summer as well. Thanks to Yuri Rashkin for "tickling the ivories" and providing wonderful background music from the terrace garden. As I was leaving around 9 pm, I caught a strong, sweet smell (probably from flowering tobacco, Nicotiana sp.) and was glad that we developed this Smelly Garden. Although it is in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden, children of all ages have certainly enjoyed this space and next year will be even more exciting as we wont replicate the same garden (we never do!). Next Wednesday night, members of the Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society will be coming to the gardens for a tour (from me) and a talk on the history of RBG. It will be nice to expose the garden (and the scents) to another group of visitors. Kudos to all the volunteers that make RBG such a nice destination. Sweet shot below from last night.

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