Thursday, April 14, 2011

Geesje Is Back!

Above is Geesje, one of our wonderful volunteers, who just returned from her winter "hibernation" down in Florida. Geesje started at RBG as a volunteer about seven years ago and is one of the hardest working gardeners I've ever seen. More recent knee and hip problems have affected her ability (not desire!) to garden. However, she is also a wonderful cook/baker and has brought in goodies for our Grumpy breaks for many years now. Her treats are always a hit and leftovers are unheard of as you can imagine. It was nice to see her show up today and we hope to give her a tour of the gardens when she next stops in with goodies. The pan she's holding had some yummy bread of some sort and I got the last piece! We all thought today would be a rain out and while it was nippy and had rained lightly the night previous, today had only very light drizzle and was a full day out in the gardens. To the left are bleeding hearts (Dicentra spectabilis) emerging strongly although this is the golden variety, 'Goldheart', and you can see some of the golden leaves already unfurling. Dick P. and Dick H. did a solid job installing our new gate and it looks great. This is one of the final improvements in the entry patio underneath our 'Dialogue' sculpture. Although the primary entrance in to the gardens is thru the Parker Education Center, this rennovated space (and new gate) will be used on occasion to bring in bus tours and education groups. Dick P. and Dick H. work great together and both are very handy. Maury was very helpful today and ran out for all sorts of lumber, fertilizer and other supplies. He is so willing to help and we really appreciate his efforts (although not always his sense of humor). Larry and Ron W. headed out to pick up some donations and once back, Ron W. worked with Rollie, Ron and some other Grumpies to set-up four tents. These tents will be used for our looming tree sale (April 22 and 23) and will do double duty and be utlized for the plant sale (May 14 and 15, presale on the 13th for RBG members) as well. Bob C. and Pat topdressed the rest of the Scottish garden with shredded bark while Bob T. and Joe continued their air edging project. Dave, Jim, Bob A. and Vern continued on some benches, sized up fence repairs and created more sign posts for our butterfly art projects. To the right are the clear white blooms of bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) pictured in the woodland walk garden. Also called red root, Indian paint, pauson, tetterwort, red puccoon root and bloodwort, this member of the poppy family is a wonderful native. Some interesting factoids about bloodroot; the seeds are dispersed by ants and the roots (when cut) would offer a red sap that had many historical uses, particularly by Native Americans. Below are just some of the labels that Gary has been cranking out. He had the laser engraver humming along this morning. He's printed out all the daylilies and is currently attaching them to their aluminum stakes (with double-sided, industrial tape) and we hope to get them installed shortly. Big John worked on transplanting some of new plugs that came in and spent the remainder of the day spreading compost in the woodland walk garden and gazebo garden. He's been a dedicated to the composting cause and we continue to work thru our piles before emerging plants continue to make this task increasingly more difficult. Larry worked on all sorts of projects and helped facilitate a whole lot of stump grinding that was going on today. The mess is extraordinary after a stump is ground but it is nice to have them out of the way. Janice worked on dividing perennials, various projects and worked with her volunteer group seen at the bottom. They did a great job potting up plugs that will be the feature of our American Garden Awards program ( Nice shot to the left of variegated sweet iris (Iris pallida 'Aureo-Marginata') and Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) to the right, not far from the bloodroot in the woodland walk garden. Jenny and Dave were in to process a couple hundred more annual labels and took some home to work on as well. We also saw Kelli, Chris R., and many others today. It was a productive day but we'll see if the rainy/windy day predicted for tomorrow materializes.

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