Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fun At The Fun Day

The Master Gardener Fun Day looked to be a rousing success despite some snowy weather that I'm sure had an impact on travel and attendance. Mary Kay and Deb did a nice job getting set up for everyone and it looked like 12-15 Master Gardeners from other counties. Again, the intent of this program was to exchange ideas and network with other Master Gardeners. What a great idea and I hope this becomes an annual event with increasing attendance each year. I saw many of our MGV volunteers this afternoon at this event (Deb, Bev D., Mary Kay, Werner, Rosemarie, Mary B., Mary D., Bev F., Jumbo Jim, Barb C., Ernie and probably others I've neglected to mention). There was a nice lunch and my presentation on the role of the RPMGA members at RBG seemed well-received. It wasn't hard to describe the value of MGVs at RBG both historically and currently. I wasn't shy about promoting RBG memberships and future events either!

To the right are some of the Japanese silver grasses (Miscanthus sinensis 'Blondo') in our parking lot holding some of the recent 2" of fluffy snow that has drifted down over the past 24 hours. While the roads weren't too bad yet, I was happy to see those that made the trip to the gardens. The bottom photo is a display regarding gourds that Janice set up. Aside from the yummy lunch, it looked like participants could pick up all sorts of additional information, free seeds and additional swag.

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