Thursday, January 20, 2011

One Down, Eleven To Go...

Dale Sievert's talk on Moss Gardening last night (Wednesday) went very well and we had 77 people come to enjoy the images of his moss, wonderful gardens stories and his dry sense of humor. Everyone seemed to like the topic and it was a rapt audience. We hope to have even larger crowds at the remaining eleven topics as we continue to promote them heavily for their value.

I spent most of the day up in Madison today and was able to swing by Olbrich Botanical Gardens (above) for a quick run thru their conservatory and gardens. The conservatory was about 75 degrees warmer than the outside temperatures and I certainly got my "fix" of plants. Olbrich does a nice job rotating local art and photography in to their visitors center and I enjoyed some neat stained glass pieces including the one to the left by Don Spencer of the structure in Olbrich's rose garden. The other neat thing that I recommend others checking out is the educational displays and interpretation regarding coffee in the conservatory. There were all sorts of neat signs (see to the right), displays and living coffee tree specimens regarding one of the most popular products in the world. Below is one of the coffee specimens (the fruits aren't beans, they're drupes that are harvested when red). Go check it out! The conservatory is always nice to visit and my younger daughter is always quick to locate the various birds that live there as well. I noted lots of parents and smaller children in the conservatory and what a great day for it. Further below are more images from within the conservatory. Tomorrow I'll show some neat bark and winter interest shots I took outside before my fingers and camera became frozen.
I had a nice lunch with Shelley Ryan, producer and host of The Wisconsin Gardener on Wisconsin Public Television (WPT). We talked shop for the most part and caught up as I haven't seen her in many months. Shelley hopes to do more segments at the gardens this year and we'll be arranging a date(s) for her to come and run her very popular scarf dyeing program (using materials from the garden). Shelley will be featured at the WPT Garden Expo very shortly and of course we'll have our RBG booth up there (Alliant Center Exhibition Hall) as well (February 11,12,13). I'm a bit out of touch with what happened around the horticulture center today but we had many volunteers arriving as I headed north. I saw Bob A., Jim, Maury, Larry, Bill, Marv, Terry, Dr. Gredler and Marianne. I'm sure there were plenty of others too! Back to seed ordering tomorrow!

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