Thursday, January 13, 2011

Did We Schedule A Workday!?

Today was extremely busy with well over 20 volunteers coming over to the Horticulture Center over the course of the day. It was a Grumpy day so we had Marv, Terry, Larry and Bill all taking down displays and lights out in the gardens. The carpenters (Dave, Jim, Bob A. and Vern) were here working on their Adirondack chairs (see further below) and have no shortage of projects with requests for more vining structures, benches, etc. piling up every day. Del was in to do some painting and Dr. Gredler continued painting our largest obelisks blue with the help of both Mary W. and Jim H. Urban was here to do some painting and Roger popped in too. Dick H. worked on repairing our snowblower attachment. Other Grumpies included Maury, Rollie and Big John. We also saw Becky N., John N., Marianne, Janice and Amy S. over here today. Lots of traffic but lots of progress. Below are two (of six total in the group) of Janice's volunteers processing our 1/2 gallon milk jugs for storage. They made quick work of the two loads above and we look forward to further assistance this winter from this dedicated crew.
Our current priority out in the gardens is to bring in the lights show at this point. Our six miles of extension cords also have to go thru a thaw and then be rolled or bundled (see a small pile below). However, we'll move in to winter pruning very shortly and need to spend some time preparing for our Garden Expo booth in February. I've mentioned it in previous blogs but do check out to get more information on this cool event. Where else can you hear great garden talks, see informative booths, pick up some plants, local art, all while drinking a beer (or soda)? Nirvana I say.For anyone interest in establishing a windbreak, planting a large property or simple enjoying a nice evergreen (granted, fairly young specimens) out in the yard, RBG will be partnering with the Janesville Blackhawk Golden Kiwanis club for a tree sale to be held on April 22nd and 23rd. We've ordered 2,000 Norway spruce (Picea abies), 3,000 Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens glauca), 2,000 Black Hills spruce (Picea glauca 'Densata') and 3,000 Eastern arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis). These are all 2 year transplants and will be sold in various bundle quantities. We're still finalizing details on pricing, preordering, sale time, etc. but keep this opportunity in mind. These are all WI grown transplants and will be a nice fundraiser to support the continued missions of both non-profit organizations. Plant a tree this spring (or a 100!). Remember, you're not planting these trees just for yourself, but for your children, grandchildren, etc...(was that warm and fuzzy enough?) The shot below is in Europe and those tight evergreens are English yews (Taxus) I believe (not hardy but these pruned forms are eyecatching!).

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