Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Super Sunday

Above is the "currently most popular" place to sit in the gardens and is located in the wishing well garden. The weather was nice today and we had a steady flow of traffic in to the plant sale. This is day three of nine and Marianne and I are still smiling. The sale is going fairly well but we really hope for some solid sales during the week and need a good closing Saturday. Once again, the volunteers were a appreciated (and vital) element. Mary also brought four RECAPPERS that helped reorganize plants and watered the plant sale. Julie M. and her husband watered containers around the gardens. I watered out in the gardens and ran irrigation throughout the morning. Our free admission week (September 11-17) seems to be bringing in lots of visitors. I talked with visitors (many were "first timers") everytime I went in to the gardens and it was neat hearing the compliments. Below is a shot of our prairie this morning.
I had my camera all day and got some nice shots around the gardens in that nice morning light. Our grass wall (below and to the left) has filled out over these past five years and looks great with tufts of golden Hakone grass (Hakenchloa macra 'All Gold') poking up in 20+ pockets. To the right is the 'Redhead' pennisetum (Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Redhead') that I've shown before but it continues to look even better each week. Our wishing well garden looks fabulous (see below) and I'm sure has something to do with the fact that it was planted last in spring and is perhaps the most "youthful" of our beds. Shoreline work has progressed well with rock placement and we'll see further progress soon. Well, another plant sale day tomorrow and more focused attention out in the gardens proper. At the bottom is purple fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum').

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