Friday, July 9, 2010

The Big Divide (Tomorrow)

I really like this annual 'Denver Daisy' (Rudbeckia hirta) seen above. The flowers are almost 5" in diameter and catch the eye from long distance. This variety was selected for city-wide beautification efforts on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the founding of Denver, CO. While the beautiful golden flowers with rusty red rings are huge, the height is quite compact at under 24", assuring sturdy stems, no flopping and a colorful, long-lived display. This variety is part of our American Garden Award ( program that has four varieties for which the visiting public can vote on their favorite. The other three selections include a zinnia, purple coneflower and ornamental hot pepper. Check out the website for more information on this neat program. RBG is one of only 18 gardens in the country displaying this collection/program. Nice shot to the left of the golden foliage (huge leaves) of the golden Southern catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea') that we use for a bright, tropical look. We butcher these back to a foot each year and they rebound 12'+ with large leaves in one season. To the right is one of my favorite coleus' (Solenostemon scutellarioides) in our red/maroon collection. This is the variety 'Redhead' and looks very rich in full sun (need oodles of water though...). Below is Dick H. repairing our Cushman which Marv put in to good use today. Dick is so handy and we're fortunate to be able to utilize his skills.Marv spent most of the day (similar to Wednesday), running irrigation, moving sprinklers and watering containers. We do very heavy watering on Fridays to get thru the weekend. Considering we missed all that rain, we're struggling trying to keep up with watering needs throughout the entire gardens. Marv also skimmed dead sod and mulched a good sized area. Terry pushmowed and spent plenty of time watering as well. Janice mowed, watered and helped prepare for our iris division project tomorrow. Marianne did her normal tidy and watering in front of the building, did her cutting display and was a great help pulling together tools and supplies for our work day tomorrow. Big John came in to help haul tables out for our division project and repositioned some irises for us. Dr. Gredler was here to mow and we had Del out continuing to work on his re-graveling project. Jan R. and two helpers weeded in the Scottish garden. Both Mary and Dave H. were here taking care of their area as was Sara. Vern was here working on carpentry and we also saw Dr. Yahr, Maury, Mary, Mark, Geesje, Katy, Travis, Julie and others as well. To the left is a beautiful zinnia (Zinnia elegans) called 'Benary Giant Wine' that is blooming nicely in Sara & Magda's garden and the subtle beauty of a single borage (Borago officinalis) blossom along our ornamental edible wall planting (seen to the right) can stir poems out of the toughest of us (or not). That flower is edible too, as are the leaves. Big day for the iris divide tomorrow. Thanks to Bev, Marianne, Janice, John, Marv and Terry for all the prep work. Another nice petunia in our trials can be seen below. This is 'Opera Supreme Light Blue'. Subtle, yet effective. At the bottom is one of our cucumber supports working to perfection as the cucumbers have grown bonkers in the past week or so. Should see fruits shortly.

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