Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back Home And Ready To Sell Some Plants!

I have returned to Janesville with my Healthcare Garden Design e Certificate from the Chicago Botanic Garden and enjoyed the experience. We had group project presentations this morning and our presentation went very well. I presented our "angle" on plantings and their appropriate selection and placement in the particular setting example. All the students parted with many new friendships but a consensus that we were all ready to get back home. Check out the quick transition of space at the CBG from Sunday (tulips) to Monday (totally cleared for annuals). I watched about 20 guys lift all the tulips with spading forks which I presume they sell. When I left today, they were starting to plant the new voids and my guess is that these spaces will be planted by the weekend. Very impressive operation and between the CBG and The Morton Arboretum, I have saved 2,600 photos "of interest".

Back to work tomorrow with a focus on our upcoming spring plant sale (May 14-16) although I'm sure Janice and Marianne have it all under control. It will be interesting to see how many calls and emails I'll have to contend with....Regardless, glad to be back with the family. Nice shot below of one of the accessible raised planters in the Enabling Garden. I really got lots of nice ideas and met some nice people.

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