Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Balmy and Beautiful

Although the picture above (another from Santos) was not taken today, it was recently featured in the Janesville Gazette. Santos has as many nice wildlife shots in the gardens as he does of the flowers. He caught this crane perfectly with the arched bridge in the distance. Santos is great with hummingbirds as well. Today was beautiful with sun and 60 degrees F. We had some guys working on retucking the mortar on our koi pond (leaking) and Mary came in to do some clean-up around the gardens. Urban and Jerry did some pruning/debris hauling and Dr. Gredler became reacquainted with our dump truck as he took six loads of winter debris, prunings, etc. to the dump (which opened early this year yesterday). Larry worked on vehicles and some odds and ends and Jenny was in to work on labels. We also saw Bob, Doug, Chuck, Carol and Paul today. Small crew but lots accomplished. I've put the general "call out" for volunteers to come help with early clean-up this week before things get sour. Nice shot below of winter adonis (Adonis amurensis) in full bloom in the gazebo garden. Short blog, getting ready for our monthly Board meeting.

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