Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Sunken Garden Transformation

The sunken garden began as a BMX bike track back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The top photos show some of the structures that were on site and we still have many adults mention how either they or their kids used to bike down here in the past. The track was in a depression which lent itself to the sunken garden itself. Other pictures above show much of the soil work that was involved with creating the garden and surrounding berms while dealing with existing trees. Those early photos show the original arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis 'Techny') hedge that surrounded the garden. These 105 evergreens are what have become deer fodder in recent years. The Parker family funded this garden and it is a very popular spot for wedding, special events and other uses. There are a wide range of plants positioned informally here but the pool, fountain, archway (to the reception garden) and a sculpture lend some formality to this popular space as well. Due to the surrounding cottonwoods (Populus deltoides), this garden continues to get shadier although will receive plenty of light at mid-day.

Small crew today with Bill working on picking up pruning debris and Kay and Heidi peeling more labels. Janice came in this afternoon to keep producing labels and signs for the spring sale and we saw Urban, Rose, Jenny, Dave, Greg, Angie and Mike over here as well. I'm finishing up some presentations and plant orders this week and will be on seed delivery rounds in the morning.

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