Friday, February 26, 2010

The Japanese Garden Transformation

The Japanese garden was the first garden created at Rotary Botanical Gardens back in 1989-1990. Petranek Brothers Landscaping (Dave, Wayne and Scott) originally designed and created the garden with Dr. Yahr's input. This garden space continues to be very popular and is consistently ranked one of our visitors most favorite. The Roth Journal of Japanese Gardening ranked this garden one of the top 25 Japanese gardens in North America. Anderson Gardens down in Rockford, IL has been ranked #1 for many years. Definitely worth a visit. Little Jerry, Karen, Jim, Dr. Neeno and others do a nice job taking care of this garden. The floods in 2008 caused some major damage to paths, trees, etc. but we're getting back to normal now. Increased mulching, an irrigation system and interpretive signs have been the latest additions to this maturing garden.

Not many volunteers today although we had Kay peeling labels (see bottom photo) and Janice working on her projects. Magda popped in to talk about her area and Marv and Marianne came in to drop off some supplies and pick up a projects. Maury, Rod and Dick P. were over here as well. I finished another presentation and continue to work on plant ordering for spring. March will be quite busy I'm sure!

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