Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Field Trip Day

I spent most of the day up in Madison, WI at Olbrich Botanical Gardens. Dave, Gary, Dick P., Maury, Big John and I spent time with Robert (Olbrich plant recorder) looking at the set-up, features and merits of their laser engraver (seen above). They do a wonderful job with plant labeling and we hope to soon emulate and standardize what they have done and will get an engraver ourselves. Thanks to Robert for the valuable assistance and hospitality. Some signs samples from Olbrich can be seen below and the information is fairly standard as to what you would see at botanic gardens. I like the nice crisp look and white lettering on a black background, while visible, isn't visually distracting. I was a bit out of touch with what happened at the gardens today but both Bill and Larry worked on snow removal while Dick H. plowed our drives and parking lot. Dr. Gredler was here painting obelisks bright yellow while Del worked on his deer project. Still getting ready for the Garden EXPO and will load up tomorrow for our early Friday expedition. See below for another interesting use of biodegradable straw pots. Janice will now be their international spokesmodel.

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