Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No End To Small Projects

Although I did order some more vegetable seeds today, I sunk my teeth in to all the phone calls and smaller tasks that have accumulated. I went on WCLO (Stan Milam Show) to promote the upcoming Wisconsin Public Television Garden Expo ( ). We also talked about upcoming events at the gardens. Stan has always been such a great supporter of the gardens and it's nice to promote the gardens to his audience. I had another couple of meetings but "sandwiched in" many other tasks. Vern was here to work on cutting more daisies while Dr. Gredler worked on priming those daisies that have been cut. We saw Jumbo Jim and Julie over here as well, but overall, a quiet day.

We do make orders from Thompson & Morgan annually and find their selection pretty good. They are from the UK and have been around since 1855. See for some interesting tidbits about this seed company. They have wonderful offerings but I'd like to see more new introductions from them as well. Overall, a solid catalog. The catalog to the right is from Richters (Ontario, Canada). They are celebrating "40 years of herbs!" this year and I've ordered from them for almost 15 of those years. They have an extremely extensive listing of herbs that are sometimes offered as seed, or plants, or either. Granted, the plants are small when shipped but we've ordered many harder to find herbs from Richters every spring. They also offer a wide range of herbal products in their catalog as well. Check out for more information or to get a catalog. Highly recommended as we've never had an issue or complaint regarding our orders. Nice shot of 'Emma's Laughter' iris (Iris germanica) below from Sue S.

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