Saturday, January 30, 2010

Don't Be "Koi"

Get it? Don't be "koi"? Above is a shot from a couple of years ago of the koi (carp) in our formal garden pond. We lost many fish last winter and hope that the current population is ok. It was a shame to see some of the oldest fish that were there prior to my start at the gardens 12 years ago die. We keep tank heaters out in the pond to keep a portion of the water open. The fish pretty much hang out in what appears to be semi-dormancy until the water warms up in April and May. We've had some professional help and recommendations regarding maintaining our fish and water features as well. Appropriate food and feeding schedule for the fish is vital although our efforts are affected by those vistors that like to toss in bread, chips, cheetoes, etc. in to the water despite conspicuous signage warning against those activities! With seven water features of various sizes out in the gardens (three containing fish), we continue to improve our attention and techniques with managing these important garden features. Nice winter shot below of the gardens from about six years ago. I'll never get tired of the view across the zig-zag bridge to the arched bridge any time of year! The zig-zag bridge has always been a popular spot although we've had it raised up over 24" in the past 10 years due to rising water levels. The flood of 2008 almost made it up to the railings. Japanese myth holds that evil spirits only travel in straight lines. So, if you're being followed by evil spirits, which I frequently am, as you make your turns on the bridge, the evil spirit continues straight ahead and falls in to the water. If it was only that simple. Sweet shot at the bottom of a nice yellow columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha 'Denver Gold') taken at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Will try this at the gardens too...

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