Monday, December 14, 2009

Back To Drizzle

Nice shot above from Santos. Well, that 14" of snow from last week is now about 6" of slush. It started drizzling last night and has continued throughout the day. It was freezing rain a bit north and lots of accidents have been reported. We had some minor issues with the Holiday Lights Show last night as excess moisture is the bane of our power grid out in the gardens. I was able to keep about 80% of the show going but had some major issues that should be resolved with colder temperatures. Although, ice then becomes a factor out in the gardens. I'm not a big fan of driving on ice and was glad to stay local today. I worked on seed orders for 2010 and preparations for various presentations.
We had a great turnout today with Larry, Bill and Maury removing the large mulberry that was blocking our access road. This tree was questionable in terms of responsibility so we just took care of it. Larry and Bill also cleaned up more branches and Bill worked on re-securing our sagging deer fence around our tasty arborvitae hedges. Little Jerry and Urban worked on more pruning out in the gardens and we had Dr. Gredler, Del, Bob, Jim, Dave and Vern all working on inside projects. Dick H. was here to do some snow plowing and worked on our lawnmower (saving us lots of $!). We also saw Deb, Janice and Jumbo Jim for awhile too. I'll be "burning up" my vacation days so the twelve of you that read this blog will see sporadic postings thru Dec.!!! Come see the Holiday Lights Show! Three days down, fourteen to go! More recent snow damage below. This is Janice's Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana) at home. These trees are notorious for splitting and this storm affected many.

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