Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is This Early May?

Nice fall color of the Diabolo ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Monlo') above out in the gardens although most have lost their leaves. The summer color of this large shrub is a dark maroon. Today was another nice day although it was hazy and overcast until this afternoon when the sun came out and blue skies emerged. Our small crew did a great job outside. We missed Kay today as she was sick but Janice went out and did more gardening, lights work and decorating. Larry spent most of the day in the reception garden working on his "pavilion" (see left) which is quite involved but really neat when you walk under it when lit up at night. I ran cords all day except for some meetings that I had to attend. Little Jerry worked on the east border with shrub cutting and leaf collection. Bill helped out today by collecting leaves out of those hard to reach locations. Dr. Gredler was here to run loads to the dump and worked on adding soil to some low spots out in the gardens. Rose and Urban came in yet again (yay!) to repaint our gates and have taken full advantage of the nice weather (see below). As much as we discourage public displays of affection here at the gardens, these two are decidedly incorrigible. Interesting shot (bottom) of a leaf that is all around the gardens. This is the white back-side of a leaf from the upright white poplar (Populus alba 'Fialaspire') in our arboretum that has grown quickly and its leaves are everywhere right now but look neat when you see that white underside. This tree sends out some major root suckers and I imagine wants to create a colony. More of the same tomorrow (including weather!).

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