Friday, November 13, 2009

Feeling Less Anxiety...

I would have to say that our preparations for the Holiday Lights Show have gone very well, perhaps the best yet. The nice weather helped but we really sunk our teeth in to this event early and will be able to finish up next week and get everything tested. It takes a good week or two to tweak/adjust for power issues but we're on track to be ready for this event. Marv, Terry, Marianne and Janice all worked on this event today and were able to accomplish some gardening as well. Rose and Urban finished the first coat on all the gates and will add a coat next spring. Dr. Gredler was here mowing and hauling debris to the dump. I was off-site most of the day doing a presentation on container gardening for the Potpourri Garden Club. They were a nice group and very cordial. I wished I had taken my camera to take pictures of Karen's (member of club) fall garden which is one of the best I've seen using so many grasses and perennials with extended interest. We also saw Maury, Del and perhaps others that I missed while gone! Nice white pumpkins above (my house) used for decoration. I think we would use more around here for decoration if I felt confident that they wouldn't end up smashed. Note the golden Irish moss (Sagina subulata 'Aurea') to the left as you look up towards a Japanese lantern. To the right is one of our obelisks doing double duty as it becomes pretty neat during the light show with all the twinkle lights wrapped around it. The destiny of this obelisk after the lights show involves a deep red paint job (color hint for next year). See below for a fall composition that includes a nice yellow extension cord. I think I have about 5 miles run now and will finish the last mile next week.

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