Monday, October 12, 2009

And Frost Taketh Away...

Well, it came a bit earlier than we like but the frost was at least very thorough! "Deep roots are not reached by frost." [J.R.R. Tolkien]. However, everything else was affected and the gardens looks quite different than one week ago! Above is the plume celosia (Celosia plumosa 'Fresh Look Red') that still has some color but most other seasonals around the gardens are black. We're glad that we pulled most of the impatiens last week as those that we missed were mushy today. Needless to say, we started some major clearing today as seen below with Bill and the Grumpies.
Marv worked on hauling and spreading compost and bringing back loads of frosted annuals on his return trips. Few match Marv's industriousness and solid work pace. Terry is off today but we'll get him back Wednesday. Marianne and Janice cleared annuals from in front of the building with Urban and Ron. We'll be planting bulbs in that area this Saturday so need a "clean slate". It was tough to see that display go but there's always next year. Janice moved to pumpkin hauling with Larry (for the Halloween Walk) while Marianne worked on some lights and other projects. Larry has been helping facilitate the projects today but has plenty of shrub planting to go and will help me run power cords for the upcoming Halloween Walk this Thurs., Fri. and Sat. The seasonal merits of 'Karl Foerster' feather reed grass (Calamagrostis x acutilfora) and 'Autumn Joy' sedum (Sedum spectabile) can be seen to the left although the decimated annuals in the formal garden sections still have interest in their demise (see to the right). Note the 'Strawberry Fields' gomphrena will hold color for quite some time.

The Grumpies had another great day with Urban, Ron, Dick K., Dr. Yahr, Del, Ed, Charlie, Roger, John and Bill all removing annuals. Ron W. and Gary worked on composting then hauled pumpkins to a local middle school for carving. Dick H. helped finish composting and the carpenters kept busy with building a walnut bench. Mary was here to help remove annuals and worked with Marv. Magda removed most of her annuals and we anticipate that more of our "assigned garden volunteers" will come in to deal with their removals as well. We'll continue to garden in earnest this week but will shift to holiday lights show preparations next week. Lots coming up this week for me including two speaking engagements and our work day this Saturday. The weather should "warm" a bit we hope but winter is looming large. "Winter is nature's way of saying, 'Up yours.'" [Robert Byrne]. Nice shot of the ornamental fruits of 'Red Peacock' crabapple (Malus sp.). The birds will get these later this winter but this feature is quite conspicuous from a distance.

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