Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Webs We Weave...

The spider above had quite an impressive web throughout the plant sale and with a bit of dew on the web, I was able to get a decent picture. Rotary Botanical Gardens is also attempting to "weave a web" of sorts by continuing to encourage more visitors and supporters of the garden. Of course we don't consume our prey but hope they will become engaged with what we are trying to do here and will hopefully spread the word about the gardens. Nice monarch (on 'Magellan Coral' zinnia) shot below from Santos. The flowers in the background are wheat celosia (Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Feather Pink').
Our volunteer cookout went well last night with over 120 attendees. The weather was perfect and the food was great. I think everyone had a good time and our director Dave, Mike and I all said a couple of words. We are so fortunate to have so many committed volunteers and the future of the garden will always be tied to this special group of generous people. Marianne counted out our plant sale this morning and we're happy that we made it thru the event and did fairly well with income. We'll see how the numbers look but we sure moved out a lot of plants. The Grumpies took down the tents today and hauled some leftover mums up the visitors center to sell them from the gift shop. Surplus bulbs will continue to be sold as well and we'll deal with the remainder of the leftovers. I was at a retreat all morning and am out of touch with all the "happenings" this morning but it looks like the Grumpies kept busy with fence installation, plant sale take down, etc. Jumbo Jim is here with RECAPPERS collecting leaves and Marilyn, Suzy and Glenna accomplished some much-needed weeding in the parking lot. Little Jerry and Janice have kept busy and we have some high school kids taking price labels out of the remainder of our plants. Another productive day although looming showers will make this a wet weekend. Please enjoy more of Santos' photography below. He's good catching shots of hummingbirds too!

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