Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The "Perfect Weather" Day?

75 degrees F on a bright sunny day is my idea of perfect weather. Of course I'd like a warmer September and we may just get that. However, the gardens, while chilly this morning, are delightful today. Some of our tours today commented on the weather and of course loved the pink/chartreuse theme (seen above in the terrace garden). Despite removing about 10% of our annuals that are failing, the gardens still has great color (see below) and we had a nice Tuesday turnout of volunteers.
Little Jerry was here to work in the Japanese garden and mow with Dr. Gredler. Larry has been working on weedwhipping and pushmowing while Janice has been weeding and pushmowing as well. Kay and Barb did a great job weeding in the upper woodland walk area while our newest volunteers, Patty and Sally tidied up in the sunken garden. We're happy to have them on board and look forward to their involvement at the gardens. Vern was here working on woodworking while Maury came by with some supplies. Mary D. helped Janice weed the rose garden and the GardenFest team of Laurie, Bev and Deb made some nice gift baskets (see to the left) for their event sponsors. Also below is a shot of some our pepper collection that Janice collected this morning. Lots of work looming in preparation for our plant sale. Tomorrow, the grounds staff and I will be going to Madison to visit other gardens and their staff. We'll stop at Allen Centennial Garden on the UW-Madison campus that is run by our former director here (Ed Lyon) and will then go to the West Madison Agricultural Research Center and finally to Olbrich Botanical Gardens. Aside from getting "out of Dodge" for the day, these trips allow us to exchange ideas and see what else is going on out there. I may not have a blog until Thursday.

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