Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lots of Visitors Today

One of my favorite annual contributions to our chartreuse theme this year is the flowering tobacco above (Nicotiana langsdorfii). Note the very pendulant lime trumpets and vivid coloration. Nicotiana is a nice annual but many will reseed and you'll have to deal with seedlings the following year. We planted over 30 varieties/species of Nicotiana this year and will continue to do so. What a neat annual. On the topic of annuals, see below for two of our main players in this 2009 color theme. The pink petunia is 'Tidal Wave Hot Pink' which gets tall and wide. The plumes behind the petunia are from a celosia (Celosia argentea plumosa 'Sylphid') that has greenish-yellow plumes and is quite textural. The lacy leaves in the back are from a cosmos.
We had another productive Grumpy morning with Dick P, Dick H., Rollie and John working on new fence installation. Del took down the old split rail fence in that same area while Charlie and Bob T. worked with Dr. Yahr down in the new wishing well garden. Bob A., Dave and Vern worked on assembling potting benches and obelisks. Ron helped Larry and Del today. Larry weedwhipped, watered, and did lots of odd jobs while Jerry and Janice kept busy with their respective projects. We had a "weeding quartet" of Suzanne, Susie, Marilyn and Glenna today and they did a wonderful job of weeding and "last minute" planting in some of our annual berms. I'm working on some presentations and preparations for our home garden tour but was able to assist with a tour from Grant County (WI). What a great group and we saw lots of visitors out in the gardens today. See below for another shot of 'Sylphid' celosia and at the bottom is a view of our vegetable trials (the beans are starting to really climb!).

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