Friday, June 26, 2009

A Scorchin' Friday

Nice shot of the lemon yellow blooms of sundrops (Oenothera tetragona) in full glory. I love these bright flowers but this plant does spread and take up more "real estate" each year. This plant is in the evening primrose family and I wouldn't be without its cheery blooms. Today was also a hot one. The staff and volunteers really held up well on a day that required a solid outdoor commitment. Marianne, Marv, Terry, Janice, Jerry and I worked out in the gardens. Marianne did her normal Friday routine, planted in the sunken garden and did a lot of watering. Marv and Terry planted and kept sprinklers going on specific garden areas. Terry push mowed, cleared weeds and watered while Marv also kept our irrigation system going all day. Janice weeded, planted, mowed and watered while Jerry pruned and mowed. Margo and Judy helped weed today and Bob and Chris came to work in the sunken garden. Dr. Gredler mowed and both Maury and Dr. Yahr were here as well. I gave a tour to a nice group of 4H kids that came to see our "operation" with a behind the scenes tour (see bottom photo). Maybe this inspired them to be future gardeners (or scared them away)!!! It was certainly a sweaty day but we made it thru and hopefully we'll get some much needed rain tomorrow! Nice shot below of a bachelor's button or knapweed (Centaurea hybrida 'Pulchra Major') overlooking the pond. Take time this year to really examine flower details; they are downright extraordinary!

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