Monday, March 16, 2009

It Has Begun!

The blooms have begun! I took a nice stroll around the gardens today where the temperatures are a balmy 60 degrees with promises of 70 degrees tomorrow. I'd prefer a more gradual warm up but will take what we get (what choice do we have!?). I thought I'd see more in bloom but was still excited to see the bright yellow blossoms pictured above. This adonis (Adonis amurensis 'Fukujukai') is in the buttercup family and is native to Japan and Manchuria. Known in Japan as Fukujusoo (meaning "a plant of happy fortune and long life"), this plant blooms very early and continues to bloom as the lacy foliage continues to emerge from warming soils. Lots of bulbs are coming up and both snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) and winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) will be hitting stride this week.

Another great volunteer turnout today. The carpenters worked on various projects while many others went out in the balmy gardens. Urban and Del worked on pruning as has Larry today. Marv and Terry continued to clean-up the holiday lights show, particularly those things that we had to wait for in terms of thawing (posts, displays, etc.). Charlie and Dick H. worked on sweeping up paths while Dick W. continued to cut back ornamental grasses. Marianne came in and potted up our caladiums for an early start and I mailed off the last of our seeds to be started by the growers. I do a presentation in Madison tonite but will then not have one until next week.

I did a presentation in Paddock Lake, WI (west of Kenosha) this past Saturday and was happy with the enthusiastic crowd. I'm sure the warm weather had everyone inspired and my talks on shade perennials and container gardening seemed well-received. That is an area that we would like to draw more visitors from in the coming years. Most of the attendees had not been to visit yet and my comment was that they missed our first 19 years so why not come see us for our 20th Anniversary! Nice arched bridge shot taken today. We'll need to repaint this structure this year but what a nice feature!

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