Thursday, March 5, 2009

If Only They Were Nuggets of Gold

I took a long walk around the gardens today and was both elated and depressed at the same time. I'm not sure there are many blogs that start with a picture of deer poop but the fresh pile above was one of THOUSANDS around the gardens. The deer did major damage and even nibbled things that they typically don't have a taste for yet (including western arborvitae and many Chamaecyparis). Ugh. The images below say it all...
I did see quite a bit of color and interest out in the garden but no flowers yet. The vernal witchhazels (Hamamelis vernalis) have swelling buds and I did see some snowdrops poking up but not quite blooming. I spooked a red fox out of hiding and watched it run across some very thin ice. Productive day for everyone. Kay worked on plant sale labels while Janice went thru old books and records with the intent of "purging and organizing". Little Jerry was out pruning again and we looked at some structural pruning out in the arboretum. Some of the trees are extending beyond pole saw range unfortunately. Larry's been jumping between projects. Marv, Maury, Dr. Gredler and Dick W. were all painting while the carpenters also kept busy. Nice warm temps today. I'm speaking in Madison tonite and LaCrosse, WI on Saturday so wont post a blog until Monday. Get out there and do some pruning this weekend!

Nice shot of a golden lodgepole pine to the left (Pinus contorta var. latifolia 'Chief Joseph') and a golden white pine below (Pinus strobus 'Hillside Winter Gold'). Talk about color! At the bottom is the ornamental bark of the China Snow Peking lilac (Syringa pekinensis 'Morton'). All shots were taken today. Keep checking your garden for signs of life and it's not too early to start tidying up and getting ready. Don't buy your tomatoes yet though!!!

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