Friday, February 13, 2009

Our 12th Expo Begins

Nice combo above in my back yard. Foreground is Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) with golden bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis 'Goldheart') behind. Here are some nice neighbors. When the bluebells go dormant, we fill the space with annuals. I'm leaving shortly for the Garden Expo up in Madison. I believe this is the 12th year we've attended this show, which has become increasingly more popular. Our booth used to spend more time explaining who and what we are, however, we're now giving more directions and information on what's going on as there seems to be a better awareness of our existence. There are lots of vendors at this event so it's interesting to watch people react to our booth like we're trying to "sell" them something. We are to a certain extent and I should mention that this is the first year we are actually selling physical items (obelisks) for a little revenue during our tough time of year. Regardless, this is a nice show. Last year I drove thru some horrible weather to get there, including a stint on black ice that unnerved me permanently. Weather looks good this year and hopefully there will be record attendance. If you don't like being a sardine, target Fri. night or Sunday as Saturday can become quite congested and is not for those that need space. Remember that gardens are more than just an assortment of plants. Personalize your garden space (see below....).

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