Friday, January 9, 2009

Snow End In Sight (Get It?)

Another snowy day today. Thus far (1 pm) we've received 6" of fluff but it's still coming down. Snow removal is obviously not as vital for us now as it was during the lights show but we still have to deal with it eventually. Dr. Gredler blew off some of the paths and our parking lot while Bill and I shoveled around the visitor's center. We'll have to keep the paths clear though so we can access the lights show for takedown. The images on this blog are just some of the items we're beginning to process at the Horticulture Center.
It's been a skeleton crew today but those tend to be my most productive days. My priority is ordering seeds right now. Most of the seed catalogs have arrived and we've been pouring over them. We have no production facilities (greenhouses) for starting our seeds but we do have arrangements with four area greenhouses to start anything we provide as seed. We probably have 3,000 flats of specialty items grown each year. These relationships are absolutely wonderful and we appreciate the willingness of these people to help us out with such unique items each year. Once we get in all of our seed, we organize it based on grower and collection. Essentially, when we pick up the plants in May, they are organized and ready to go out to be planted. We've really "streamlined" this process and the first step is finalizing the orders.

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