Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More Snow and Cold

I don't have any recent images to put on today's post but just imagine snow and that's what's happening right now. Our lights show had a great start on Saturday with a good turnout. However, Sunday was rainy and last night was FRIGID cold. Our overall attendance numbers aren't real high yet but the bulk of our "traffic" occurs closer to Christmas. In past years, we've added some dates between Christmas and New Years, to include New Year's eve. This has worked well as many visitors are from out of town and we like to turn on the lights as often as we can for a potential crowd. Immediately after New Years, we start taking down, sorting and putting away the show. My posts will be sporadic until after New Years as I'll be using up vacation time and my schedule is dependent on the lights show and snow removal. I'll be ordering seeds right after New Years day and look forward to figuring out our "schemes" for next year. Scary image below that will keep kids from every gardening again. I'm not sure where I took this but the humor would be lost on younger children as they enter years of therapy. Enjoy those gardening catalogs by the fire!!!!

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