Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Furious Flurries

The weather turned sour last night with freezing drizzle coming down most of the evening. The roads were slushy this morning but now we've had flurries for a couple hours with 3" of accumulation. If we didn't have a lights show, I wouldn't get so worked up about winter weather. We'll clear the paths tomorrow and hopefully the lights show will have time to "dry out" before this Saturday evening. The picture above shows some of our indoor activities this time of year. We have many custom cedar and teak benches around the gardens that are brought in every winter for cleaning, light sanding and restaining/sealing. We're really trying to extend the longevity of these benches and we have a loyal band of winter volunteers that comes in to work inside on projects like this as needed. We'll also be producing more carpentry items. Our talented carpenters have built items not only for the grounds (all the benches in the picture above were custom made by our volunteers) but also as sale items to bring in revenue. We've sold the vining obelisks in the past and they've also made some neat potting benches as well (see picture to the right). Considering the donated professional labor on these items isn't a factor, we can make a nice profit on these affordably priced items. All proceeds benefit the continued operation and improvent of Rotary Gardens. Nice winter shot below from a couple years ago (taken by Ed Lyon). Our winter landscape is nice here although we don't keep all the paths clear of snow, only the primary paths.

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