Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Farmers Almanac Was Right!

My daughter and her friend Hunter from the neighborhood have been enjoying the snow but it's affected our lights show in many ways. Attendance has been down from past years as a result of snow (travel conditions) as well as subzero temperatures for three of the nights. The deer are getting hungry too and are starting early on our conifers. We've kept the paths clear but the snow is starting to pile up. I think this is a "normal" winter as opposed to those wimpy winters that we've had in the past. Unfortunately, we only have 7 days of the lights show left and really need more attendees. It's snowing as I type actually!!! Snow cover is a nice "garden blanket" although it can also harbor little critters that like to nibble under the snowline during tough winters. No use complaining, we'll get thru it and spring will be even more welcome. The Farmers Almanac predicted lots of snow (which isn't a bad bet anyway!) and here it is! A neat feature of our lights show is that the Janesville Area Herb Society has a booth with all sorts of neat and affordable gifts; all herb related. The image below is of the seed pods of the "hairy balls" plant (Gomphocarpus) that I've shown in some summer postings. This milkweed species gets over 6' tall and has these neat structures that dry well. They used them in wreaths and other crafts as well. Their hot pepper jelly is also delightful. What a neat and creative group. We're happy to have them involved here at the gardens as they also maintain our herb garden.

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