Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rainy Week Ahead

The weather forecast for this week doesn't look real good. Damp and cool is on the way although not entirely a surprise. Above is a shot of the Japanese garden last Friday. The fall color was very vivid down in that garden too. Our Saturday workday was very productive. We had about 12 volunteers show up to help with bulb planting. Our goal was to plant 7,000 tulips that morning and I didn't think we'd make it until two vans pulled in from Rock County Corrections. Out of the vans poured 19 "Workenders" or "Weekenders" that are individuals that have been convicted of minor felonies and are doing community service in lieu of jail time and/or fines. I wasn't prepared for them as they hadn't called to let us know of their involvement (strongly recommended). We organized quickly and this group planted 4,000 tulips in two hours (the other group planted the rest) and continued with leaf clean-up and garbage/litter collection. Overall, a bit stressful at the start but the final results of the workday were wonderful and all of the help was much appreciated. Nice fall color of linden (Tilia sp.) below. Lots of leaves will come down this week unfortunately. More gardening to come this week and serious progress on putting up our holiday lights show.

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