Monday, October 6, 2008

It's Here!

The fall color really was triggered in the past week or so! I realize that "day length" has a lot to do with it but the light frost was a factor as well. The leaf above is from a Celebration Freeman maple (Acer x freemanii 'Celzam') that is a cross between a red maple (Acer rubrum) and a silver maple (Acer saccharinum). This tree benefits from the quick growth of the silver maple and the harder wood and excellent fall color of the red maple. I'm travelling up to Stevens Point this Thurs. and Friday and am looking forward to seeing the progression of fall color. It should be peak up there right now! Another neat picture from Santos McGill below. This green heron (Butoroides virescens) has been working the pond for years and is fairly bold. Look across the pond to the left of the arched bridge. Santos pointed out another photographer taking a long-distance shot of the heron as well!
Marv and Terry did a lot of path repair, regraveling and edging today. This is the type of work we normally don't have a chance to do but are trying to squeeze it in this week before our special events preparations (holiday lights show) begins. Tony pressure-washed the reception garden wall (stacked and mortared lannon stone) and it looks as good as new. Rick worked on boulder edging and cutting down some trees. Janice and Marianne did a lot of tidying today as we removed lots of annuals with the Grumpies (see below), Shirley and a new volunteer; Kathy. Jerry and Larry bounced around with various odd jobs as did Jumbo Jim. It was a very productive Monday with a full break room of 15+ volunteers this morning! Nice ornamental fall color on the native Toxicodendron radicans in the bottom photo. That's poison ivy by the way!

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