Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Keep Chugging Along...

A true sign of imminent Autumn can be seen above peaking thru some wax begonias. This is the bloom of the "Autumn" crocus (Colchicum autumnale 'The Giant'). It is important to note that this is not a true crocus and there is actually a "real" fall-blooming crocus (Crocus sativus) that blooms in October (we have a couple) and is the source of saffron. The true fall crocus is in the iris family (Iridaceae) while Colchicums are in the lily family (Liliaceae). They look a lot alike although you'll notice that Colchicums send up their foliage in spring then bloom later in the year with no leaves. Colchicum bulbs (very poisonous incidentally) are fist sized, planted in August 8" down, and will shortly send up clusters of flowers to 10" or so. Botanical difference for sure but similar beauty!
Janice, Jim, Bev and three industrious RECAP workers went thru the hot pepper collection and picked solidly for 2 hours. They collected peppers based on rough categories of hot, medium and cool. With waning daytime and nightime temps, the peppers have slowed their maturation so we're picking them with the intent of utilizing/offering them at our clearance plant sale this Saturday. I've been quite happy with this collection and have taken pictures of most, including the most exciting ornamentals. See 'Explosive Ember' below with bright purple and red fruits (hot I imagine, note sarcasm) held above darkening foliage. What a great collection although I doubt we'll ever replicate it as there are so many other things we'd like to try as well!
Lots of progress by everybody today. Dr. Gredler, Tony, Rick, Greg, Marv, Terry, Larry, Jerry, Kay, Don, Thelma, Terry T., Jim, Janice, Bev and RECAPPERS were all part of our productive Wednesday team. We accomplished significant planting, clean-up and path work today along with many other duties. I think all of today's workers will sleep well tonight. Nice shot of the 2008 Perennial Plant of the Year below. Geranium 'Rozanne' was selected by the Perennial Plant Association for many wonderful attributes, not the least of which is it's long bloom time and beautiful blue blossoms!

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