Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reaching Zombie Stage

The annual gloriosa daisy (Rudbeckia hirta 'Cappucino) looked a bit haggard today but still had some rich colors. The plant sale was steady but we weren't even close to matching customer numbers from 1 week ago. Marianne and I are starting to feel a bit "zombie-ish" with day eight finishing and a couple left. We hope tomorrow will have less precipitation and more customers.
The image to the right is of a neat goldenrod (Solidago sp.) called 'Wichita Mountains'. The booms consist of many tiny yellow blooms forming an upright column of color. I like this plant a lot but don't see it much in cultivation. Short blog again as it is getting late. The image below is of around 350 irises that we recently planted as part of that display for the 2010 American Iris Society national meeting (Madison, WI). It will be nice to see these in bloom.

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