Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Plant Sale Is Over

Tomorrow we inventory the remainder of the plant sale items, take down tents and otherwise, close out the fall plant sale for 2008. It is a monumental task to facilitate this every year but we had another good year despite some weather-related challenges and were glad to extend the sale thru this past Saturday. Above is a nice shot of nasturtium (Tropaeolum sp.) in our herb garden. Nasturtiums are a great ornamental and there are many species to try at home. All parts of this plant are edible and there are many aesthetic and functional uses for Nasturiums. Incidentally, the Janesville Area Herb Society does a wonderful job taking care of the herb garden and has done so since the inception of the gardens. What a great, knowledgeable and organized group! Below is a nice shot of the blue/orange theme around our entrance sculpture. Should be another good week coming up!

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