Thursday, August 28, 2008

Where's The Rain?

We had some nice mist this morning and the sky looked like it was ready to unleash torrential rains. Despite the fact that we still had a lot of gardening to do, I really hoped for some decent rain. Well, it held off and actually got sunny later in the day. We were wise enough to continue running irrigation zones despite the promise of rain. I like this sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas 'Sweet Caroline Bronze') seen above in combination with a dwarf blue spruce. The sweet potato vines tend to get a little vigorous this time of year but can be downsized easily with some judicious trimming. Still lots of visitors coming thru the gardens and we're hoping for a busy September in terms of visitation and support.

We've received many comments of support regarding possible admissions. We've also received plenty of criticism and negative comments. We hope to iron out details regarding the future of the gardens and are trying to deal with questions and comments as they arise. Below is a nice assortment of some of our hot peppers.

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