Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mini-Drought Ahead?

With Larry gone on vacation, Janice and I watered this morning between 7 am and 9 am. She prepped wedding sites and watered containers (no small job) while I ran some irrigation zones and watered the yard. We are sure in need of a good soaking rain. I hope this isn't the start of a late summer drought. I'm glad I was there as we had a gravel delivery and we had another iris that had come in the mail that needed immediate attention. Above is a neat annual, gloriosa daisy (Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors') that has a great combination of rustic colors on large daisies. Unless its a volunteer workday or other special event, I tend to avoid Saturdays. They can get very congested and busy. Larry (and frequently Janice) do a great job dealing with their duties and the "Saturday stress." I did enjoy the garden this morning and wished I had my camera with me. Unfortunately, scenes like that below of a dead tree (dissected Japanese maple, very expensive $$$) are becoming more prevalent as the water continues to drop. Our lowest paths are almost open although are in need of a "freshening up." Federal grants have allowed for three workers to come next week and help with flood remediation efforts. We'll have these fellas for a couple of weeks or so to do odds and ends. Our "to do" list is significant.
Below is our alpine garden. The section shown is of our new dwarf and miniature conifer collection. We're demonstrating some nice little gems that could fit in smaller, urban environments (granted, some are very slow growing). We were awarded with a grant from the American Conifer Society this winter and spent grant monies towards new plants and extensive new labeling for these hardy woody plants. I'm not sure many visitors are aware of this collection.

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