Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Good (And Overwhelming) To Be Back

I had a great time on my epic adventure with my younger daughter (age 8). We covered 2200 miles in 9 days and travelled thru WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, NJ, and NY (and saw 17 relatives). For the most part I avoided the selfish interest in stopping at every botanic garden within "range". However, we did stay overnight in Toledo, OH where we visited the Toledo Botanic Garden (see image above). I visited this garden many years ago and was pleased to see they still excel at sweeping borders and have some awesome woody plant specimens. I think they are about one hardiness zone warmer than we are and I noticed some plants that we wouldn't even attempt. Today was a day of catching up. I had over 1100 emails (mostly spam) and lots of phone messages and mail. I'm juggling preparations for our upcoming plant sale with other equally time-sensitive duties. The grounds crew did an awesome job not only keeping up but improving the gardens. We had some rain that has helped but hope a regular schedule of precipitation will ensue. We've been planting irises for our new collection and have started repairing some of the paths that were flooded this spring. Lots on the "to do" list for everyone. Volunteers continue to be our "life blood." Cool shot of our "ornamental edible" section below.

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