Monday, July 28, 2008

Holding Pattern?

The gardens are really starting to fill in and mature. The front of our building is looking colorful and has benefited from the frequent attention of Marianne. It's been fairy dry recently so we've been involved with significant watering and are directing most volunteers in to weeding duties. August will be much of the same. This "holding pattern" gets broken up closer to September when our plant sale begins to loom. The Grumpies did lots of shredded bark mulching today and continued to work on our future shed.

With next year being our 20th Anniversary, we're trying to come up with some ideas regarding how to celebrate/recognize this significant event. I'm sure we'll do something cool out in the gardens and I can already hint about some cool spring and summer displays. It seems like our 10th Anniversary was just yesterday! At that event, we served the biggest cake ever served in Janesville. I'm not sure we'll have cake but I hope the community will support both the past accomplishments and future endeavors of Rotary Gardens. 'Masquerade' hot pepper below.
I took lots of shots today. I have do a presentation in October about container gardening so took many pictures of our developing containers. Below is the copper cheese vat with lots of color in a shady location. The picture beneath that is of our English cottage garden collection. I'm very happy with both arrangements.

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