Saturday, June 28, 2008

Northwind Perennial Farm

Another little mini-blog here. Yesterday, on our way home from Milwaukee, we stopped at Northwind Perennial Farm, just north of Lake Geneva, WI. We almost didn't go in when we saw hundreds of cars parked up and down the road and saw a sign for an antique fair (at the nursery) as well. We braved the crowds (and LONG walk from where we parked) and had a great time. The nursery has many beautiful display gardens like the one above that not only gives the visitors planting ideas but also some notion of maintenance expectations. There is an equally nice shade garden as well. Their planted container arrangements are also second to none. My daughter enjoyed the water gardens and the resident toads, frogs, tadpoles and painted turtle. There are many wonderful plants and antiques normally available at Northwind but vendors (including food) were set up as well. We walked away with some great plants and I always recommend this nursery to others. You can easily make a half-day of it walking around the nursery, barns and display gardens. Roy Diblick (co-owner of the nursery) and all of the talented staff have done a great job and if you ever have the opportunity to attend a tour or talk that Roy is giving, do it! Some other images of the nursery and its denizens are below.

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