Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Typical Mother's Day Weekend

Above is a neat, cutleaf Japanese maple (Fern & Moss Garden) that is surrounded by a sea of golden Scotch moss (Sagina subulata 'Aurea'). It's not a true moss as it has tiny white flowers (moss reproduces from spores) but it has a beautiful appearance and will thrive in sun or preferably part shade.

I can't remember the last time we had a nice Mother's Day weekend; sunny and 75 ish. This weekend has cooler temperatures which aren't unusual, however, it looks like we'll have some rain tomorrow. We used to have a huge "Herb & Annual" plant sale over this weekend at Rotary Gardens. At one point, we were featuring over 200 varieties of herbs and 100 varieties of unusual annuals. Unfortunately, we ALWAYS had poor weather and a mediocre turnout. People still ask about the sale and the truth of the matter was simply that we didn't make any money on that event. As a non-profit, special events (in most cases) need to provide some income that offsets the time, effort and materials put in to the event. For a couple of years, we never even had a spring plant sale and just sold the bagged mushroom compost. The sales have become more involved recently but it seems that many people are selling plants and the competition is tough. We have some local garden centers that are opposed to us selling plants as they see it as competition. I think that their theory is that for every plant we sell, they sell one less. I don't believe that at all. We only sell plants twice per year and our existence in the area has increased the level of gardening and has exposed visitors to new plants that they will seek out at these same garden centers. It's an interesting situation but I can sleep at night knowing that our meager plant sales have brought in some much needed revenue that is absolutely essential to continue to operate and develop.

I was at the gardens only briefly today to check in with Larry and Janice who had everything well in hand. We're selling the bagged compost like crazy and will be sold out at the end of the month for sure. Next week will be quite busy but of course the garden will continue to transform itself as early spring bulbs and perennials finish blooming and a new phase of color and interest phases in to view. What an exciting year. Pagoda + redbud + Japanese Garden = cool.

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